
Training Events

Our signature 2-Day Training Event - Understanding & Managing Workers’ Compensation Claim Fraud Risk.

Online Training

Professional tools for you and your team, available where and when you need them.

Custom Training

Custom and Group Training, built to meet the needs of your business and team.

General Consulting

Professional opinions and advice for your claim file review, Modified Duties program, and more.

Surveillance Triage

The decision to place a workers’ compensation claimant under surveillance can be one of the most complex and difficult decisions that may confront you when managing claims. Let us help you navigate this complex decision making process.

Surveillance Brokerage

The contracting and management of a private investigator can be a daunting proposition if you have never done it before. Who do you hire? How do you instruct them? What should you expect from them during the course of the investigation and at its conclusion? What should it cost? Allow us to assist you with our reliable, experienced and professional surveillance providers.